Monday, September 3, 2018

Boarding Parties

A couple of stands to represent RN boarding parties or sailors with small-arms put ashore

For CD3 the count as 'other' so of limited use, expecting special scenarios.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

work in progress - not much

Various small projects on the go..... but not too much to show :(

Maybe this week will be little more productive ?

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

M48 Company

Nice work here by Dave

More to follow...

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Japanese Project

Another regiment towards my goal of a division

Most manufacturers represented

I had enough Hong Kong 'knock offs' to include companies in travel march and human wave assault formations

I have about five battalions in my collection and the extras I'm working on will cover most OOBs 1939-45.

Sunday, May 20, 2018


A really nice model by David Russell...

This will eventually form a company

Superb track detail. The whole vehicle is easily one of Dave's best builds, with thoughtful extra details

Either Italeri or Dragon.... I think ?

Thursday, May 17, 2018

New Arrivals

Plenty to keep me occupied this winter :)

Strelets just keep getting better and better.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Finished a few native infantry stands for a game we are researching

Figures by Esci and Ultima Ratio

Monday, April 30, 2018

WW1 British Infantry (tropical dress)

Nice little set by HaT

I managed enough stands to make a regular rifle battalion, and an independent maneuver company

A couple of minor adjustments to the machine gun figures

Painted with Vallejo and Tamiya acrylics 

About time I finished a project to show you :)

Monday, April 16, 2018

Victor Charlie

Nice work here by Dave...

Figures are Esci

Based for CD3

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Nam Progress

Support Hogs for the 7th Cavalry. Continuing Dave's Vietnam project.... 

Revell 15mm kits

Mostly the excellent Esci figures

Reworked figures for a bit of variation

Excellent shades on flesh and uniforms.... 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Something in 1/35

A gift from my friend

I may even expand it to include a diorama and add some figures. Never made anything this scale before.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Dave's Nam Project

Some very nice little conversions here by Dave...

These are weapon stands for his growing CD3 Vietnam project

Nicely reworked M60s'. The figure are Revell and Iteleri.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Progress from Dave

Nicely detailed and weathered 


Amourfast. One can never have too many T34s

Thursday, February 22, 2018

New digs, end game

Final scenes...

two companies of mech infantry injected some new life into the Soviet advance

British air-power reigned supreme for about three-quarters of the game. Meteor is Airfix

The Soviets got a single jet on the last of ten turns. Russian advances had only just made contact with the British second line of defenses. Bit of a throw together this one, but still... one you miss out on is one you never catch up on  :) 

Friday, February 16, 2018

New digs, first game

My new neighbour is an old friend of fifteen years, who just happens to play CD3

Dave's ultra table is now in residence at my place, me and neighbour (Ash) just couldn't wait, so here are a couple of pics from a game we've thrown together. In this case 60s cold war

AFVs here are Airfix and S-Models

Played 6 turns so far with the Soviets (me) taking lots of damage. To be continued...

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Work in progress

Mostly Ultima Ratio figures with a few ring-ins

Chindit figures, but based as 1944 British infantry battalion for CD3

Almost finished :)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Dave's UH-1H completed

Including recent additions, enough now to airland a company

Airfix Jungle hut for scale - these are 15mm

Formerly the pressed labour force of scenery making: Dan, Emma, Dylon, Sam

Cool people