Sunday, December 30, 2012

A couple of late arrivals

The Triplane was from my mum and the Commandos from my friend Ross, thanks to you both

Usually at this time of the year I'd be preparing for games week, which is still happening I'm just woefully unprepared for it.
 Twentieth Century Wargames is moving to Australia in about three weeks and boy does the house look like it! Will try to at least finish the Hudson plus one or two other items in progress before I go, but either way will keep you posted.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Haul

These are the models my girls got me this year. The helicopter will be a nice addition to my Korean War collection, while the other two will be early war ones. Particularly chuffed with the Morane Saulnier fighter as it is my only French aircraft to date

Hope you all had a good time with your families or friends; now, it's back to the Hudson.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Back in ten days

A bit more progress on the Hudson, still quite a way to go, however

Need to redo this :(

Same :(

Off to Australia for ten days r/r :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


x3 per box

Nice detail

The crew figure options look like a better scale match this time, the ones for the T34 were behemoths 

Nice gaming quick-builds. A box for Dave and a box for me :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012


This is where I'm at. I had high high hopes for this kit but alas the engineering has some ugly faults

It has had some sanding and scraping here and there, and I used Liquid Green Stuff to plug a few gaps

Still another undercoat to do before detailing, but work is pretty demanding this time of the year so it will have to wait until the weekend for more work. This was made in 2005, which is why I thought it would be a good un

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Normandy at low tide

Bit of a scenic layout for you...

This is just to show how the beach obstacles actually fit in. Scaled for CD3, this strip of sand would be over a kilometre wide  

What the Germans saw...

Cheers Dave

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Liebster Award

Well, though I'd better get on with this then, x3 nominations. Thank you all! Assuredly, I enjoy browsing your your work as much as you do mine...

Nominations from:

1, Ben always has something different on the go, in particular, I like a lot of his modern stuff
2, Erhntly, consistently produces models of extremely high quality and close attention to detail
3, Thanos, well. we seem to have very similar interests; and he even helped my daughter source some Greek textbooks for university

My own nominations could easily run into a page but here are x5 of my favourites:

mmm, X to the power of Y should see all of the Blogs out get a nomination at some stage:)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hemmbalken - obstruction beams with Tellermines

Dave's been busy, excellent scenic additions to any beach front...

Pictured with one of his Ranger platoons for scale comparison 

More to follow soon 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

100,000 Hits

Well, slightly over. Would never have known otherwise except for a chance click. Thanks to all those who have viewed and commented.

Above is a picture of some of my work in progress, a 1941-42 German infantry regiment. The figures are mostly a mixture of Revell and Airfix.

Here's to another 100,000 


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Hanger

Mike over at posed the question of where the Hudson will live once completed, in my last post. So I thought I'd show you all a picture of my model storage cupboard with attached aircraft hanger...

Big enough for models :)

First couple of shelves, boxed armoured units in various sizes

The hanger, still enough room for the Hudson, plus one or two smaller model yet to assemble :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Something different

I've been threatening myself to do this for ages, and so as a break from other current projects, this is what I have done so far

All sanded and base painted before anything was stuck together

Quite a detailed kit considering most of this is unseen upon completion

I like all of my aircraft to have crew where possible, and so converted three vehicle crew figures for the positions of pilot, bombardier and gunner

This is probably the among the largest class of bomber that can be used practically in CD3, though scenarios  can include almost anything you like. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WW1 Italians

The latest of my Great War units out of their box for a bit of a touch up...

This is an engineer company, I used the flame thrower nozzle from the Airfix WW1 German set to give these a bit more detail

Weapons Company

Will try for some better pictures once they've all had a paint-work touch-up

Another rifle company

Several of the figures had backpacks added from Green-stuff for a bit of variety

The whole battalion is four rifle companies, a weapons company and an attached engineer company, most of the figures are by Waterloo 1815. As usual I have a few other projects on the go but this is all I have to show you for now

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Another French 75mm

About all I've had time for this week...

Painted with my Vallejo French tank crew colours

This is from the HaT range of guns

CD only requires a single two-figure crew stand per gun

A very popular gun with other nations also, this was used throughout WW2 and beyond; not bad for something of an 1897 vintage.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dave's Danert (wire that is)

Bit of a lesson from scenery maker extraordinaire David Russell...

Undercoated base stands

Some attention to the height of the fixing posts is important to keep it all in scale with 20mm

Dave has all of the right tools, I tend to improvise a bit more on most things:)

Always looks better sanded - same if you're drilling into hills

Usually Dave would have his kids at different stages of the scenery factory, as you've all seen before

Ready for the wire

Different sized dowel will produce larger or smaller coils depending on what you're after

The brown stuff on the base is really strong builders contact glue, it's called liquid nails over here

Note the spacing

Flock for basing, Dave makes his stuff from really fine saw dust which has been coloured

For WW1 games you can never have enough of this stuff

Thanks Dave