Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Road Trip pics

A few pictures from my recent trip to New South Wales...

Fort Scratchley was built during the 1880s' to protect Newcastle from (at that time) a possible Russian attack

As history would have it, the fort did not see active service until June 1942 when it engaged a Japanese submarine which attacked the harbour area and the industry around it

The tour through its subterranean galleries is quite cool 

This is fired everyday at noon

Formerly a 'disappearing gun'

One of the guns that engaged the Japanese submarine

Battery OP

This Matilda II is located in Singleton NSW and saw service in New Guinea.


  1. Love the pic of the battery underground.Interesting gun shield shape.

  2. Looks like an interesting trip Al. Thanks for the photos.

  3. very interesting!
    thanks for sharing.

  4. Still itching to adjust the fall of shot Al? Aye, Rusty

    1. lol mate, usually it's coming from seaward :) funny how I never seem to miss being cold and wet and hungry, and cold and wet :)
