Back from another few days with my team in Brisbane
The 'Hexagon' stuff is to go with some scenery me and Tracy are building for some 28mm science fiction games, probably Necromunda or something of that ilk
No way I'd ever pay the full retail price for one of these, the prices in the two countries I've seen them in so far are obscene. Ten bucks was alright though.
Different shop but same story, slightly dearer this one. The store owner told me these Aifix buildings are hard to sell. How long does it take a marketing genius to work out that the punters think something is too expensive? I should work for Airfix :):):)
Got this mainly for the accessories but the building is a bonus because I don't really have a lot here in Australia yet
The Sci Fi stuff I mentioned
Needed some of this stuff too
Will make more of an effort to make some new poses to show you with these ones
Looking forward to doing the top one
WW1 staff car
Minor nations transport
Nostalgic, couldn't help myself with this one, will fit it in somewhere amongst my cold war collection
Some brighter colours for the 28mm figures