Based and organised for CD3 (on scant research), Not sure if the Regt HQ is supposed to have a NKVD unit attached to it or not, so if anyone knows, please comment. All units are SMG armed only, unless otherwise stated, which means on the tabletop most units have a range of only 5'' or 250 mts but a rate of fire of x2
Regimental HQ
Command section. WW1 Hat figure, Esci head
Recon SMG section, one of the later Italeri offerings
82mm mortar, Zvezda
Regt Weapons platoon, this was a conversion done by David Russell and given to me ages ago. Italeri figures
Ammo Porter platoon, HaT and Zvezda
Regt Gun crew, either a howitzer or anti tank gun depending on the year
Same, different angle, figures are US Esci and Emhar WW1 both with head swaps and extra kit added
Regt MMG company, AAHMG (a conversion) x2 standard Esci mediums
1st Battalion
Command, Zvezda
NKVD, Zvezda and Esci
Recon SMG, Zvezda with Esci arms
Anti tank rifle platoon, Zvezda
50mm mortar platoon, Zvezda figures, Airfix WW1 British mortar
Weapons platoon, Zvezda figures
Engineer platoon, Zvezda
A Company, Zvezda parachute and recon figures. Unlike most other Russian units of this era, each company has its own command platoon
B company, same. The Zvezda figures are quite superb
C company
2nd Battalion
Battalion HQ, Esci
NKVD, Zvezda figures, the officer has a WW1 Russian head (HaT)
Recon SMG section, Zvezda
50mm mortar, Zvezda and Esci figures, WW1 Airfix mortar
Anti tank rifle platoon, Zvezda and Airfix figures
Weapons platoon, Zvezda and Esci
Engineers, Zvezda
A company
B company
C company
The Regiment. As usual photos reveal the odd touch up needed here or there but they are otherwise finished. The figures are a reasonable mix. It's a pity the Zvezda paratroop, recon and engineer sets were not big box versions.